Ecocity Forum, Circular Economy in Smart Cities, 3-5 October 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece

SMURBS participated, through its Project Coordinator, in the Ecocity Forum 2018. Dr. E. Gerasopoulos joined the Plenary Session III, “Technical Innovation and Economy Transition from Products to Services”, as a Keynote speaker presenting how Earth Observations carry the smart city concept further. The whole idea is implemented within SMURBS project, which will: unfold the full range of technologically available methods for the next generation of urban monitoring capacities, adjusted to modern needs of AQ management; address natural and anthropogenic disasters affecting cities, covering all phases of their management cycle; identify and define urban development indicators by utilizing Copernicus satellites; and delineate health reciprocal relations to facilitate the potential weighing of mitigation options. To this end, SMURBS employs multiple EO platforms (i.e. satellites, in-situ, modeling, UAVs, smart sensors, citizen observatories) for city-scale applications and solutions.