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AQ impacts of city planning



  • Support to decision makers for city planning (e.g. distance of the buildings from the streets, shapes and heights of the buildings as well as the other structure of the street canyon). With proper urban planning, the ventilation of street canyons and courtyards can be enhanced and a good local AQ enabled.
  • Determination of AQ hot-spots and proposal of mitigation measures in planned building

A bird-view illustration on the temporal horizontal distribution of the total aerosol number concentration at z = 2 m above ground in an urban neighborhood in Helsinki, Finland.


Makes use of: Modelling, in-situ and drone observations


Smart features:

  • Synergy of EO methods
  • Solution addresses highly localized urban aspects (High resolution (1 m, 0.1 s) mapping of air mass movement and pollutant concentrations)


Read more: https://smurbs.eu/deliverables/


Contact Information: Leena Järvi [email protected])

SMURBS cities: Helsinki (Finland)


Involved Partner(s): UHEL (FI)
EO Platform(s) utilized:  In Situ  IoT  Models
Theme: theme-icon Air Quality