SMURBS, launched on September 2017, under the ERA-NET-Cofund Grant agreement No: 689443, traverses now its 13th month of life. During this time, the work carried out focuses on the collection of user needs from the real world, and the setup of a concrete methodology to address these needs through the project, taking into account existing initiatives and capacities, the legal frame at the local, national and European level, and existing gaps. We managed to get onboard 87 stakeholders from more than 30 cities and 17 countries!
Via Newsletter #2 you meet the opportunity to get informed about our abundant actions taken so far, with emphasis on communication-dissemination activities and research highlights. In the meantime, we are intensively preparing for SMURBS’ Annual Meeting (to be held in Athens on 9-10 October 2018), which is considered milestone as Portfolio precursor solutions/applications and City Dossiers will be presented and decided upon, to drive the next implementation phases of the project.Stay tuned and check our website for more news and results.
Best regards,
Evangelos Gerasopoulos
Research Director at the National Observatory of Athens, Greece
SMURBS/ ERA-PLANET Project Coordinator